Friday, 1 July 2011

Where we will be in few years' time ~ Punggol Topaz

This is where my boy and I will be at in few years' time! 
This flat is officially OURS! 
Ready in 2016!

It has been a long and challenging process for the both of us.. 
If given a choice, we might have waited for a little longer. 

Here goes the entire process..

We happily applied for this flat (Our second application, first was Senja Gateway), thinking that "Well, don't think we'll stand a chance! Anyway, it's at Punggol, which is so so far away from where we are now, let's just try our luck and see."
We received an email stating that our queue number is 25! This number is of great significance to us as we got together on July 25. So we thought, is it a sign to us? Should we purchase the flat?
We looked through the brochures sent to us, deciding which block and unit to choose. There were numerous conditions: No sunlight, Can't be near to the main road, Should be near to the LRT and bus stop, gotta be near the carpark and the list goes on.. 
We sought advices from our friends and families, and finally set our heart on this specific unit, which is on the highest floor, 17th! 

On the selection day in Feb, I was so anxious that we arrived hours before the time allocated to us. We look at the 3D model, spoke to some other couples whom were buying their houses too. 

It was finally our turn and we walked hastily into the room. 
Deep within, I was praying so badly that our first choice is not taken yet. 
Then came the bad news! We applied under Married Child Priority Scheme but with this, it would mean that Isaac's mom has to sell off her house as her name should not appear on two properties!! 
We were then told that removal of her name could bring a change to our queue number! Which means, we can't select our house today!
Devastated, I was thinking, "oh no, there goes my house!"

Amazing, miracles do happen! 
The lady came back saying that it's alright this time round, they will make an exception for us and with that, we paid our option fee - $2000 and secured our first choice! :D

Months later, 
the letter came, asking us to make our first 5% payment, which totals to $27K++. 
Initially, my calculation says that it will be around 20K. But after adding all the stamping fees and miscellaneous, there was this 7K more! Well, they sure know how to earn from their citizens! 

within those couple of mins and a cheque signed, 
we can now say, "YES! We have our own flat!!".

To some, they might think that this was an impulsive act. 
But hey, no way am I going to wait another five more years in my late twenties to get a roof over my head. :)

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